What is the solution for 503 error when the server is up?
Use the snapshot
I guess the reason is becasue the chain is not downloaded fully. Is it expected that if we wait until downloading chain fully that error will disappear?
Hi, alpert.
Yes. After importing any snapshot, that error message will disappear.
@sword do you know a way to download snapshot from command line? tried solutions from internet but none of them worked so far
There is no CLI to download the snapshot.
Please try google drive or torrent on this page.
I uploaded two snapshots of my server, which are more up-to-date and worked for me and other, but reportedly fail to work for SOFTK.
You can try them for your own sake. Torrent is available to download.
@sword even thought i opened all the ports transmission-cli is not able to download the torrent as well it is running on a scaleway server.