My Miner is Always behind the latest block height.
Whenever I restart the mining program, it catches up to the latest block height in 5min. That’s good. But after few hours, my block height about 100~300 blocks behind from the latest one. I can see mine increasing slowly but when mine goes up for 1, there’s 20 new blocks. Is this normal? I’ve been watching this for a whole day, and it never gets sync with nodes.
Yes. Your server is almost in sync and ready to mining.
Leave it alone, and it will do its job, mining.
Just make sure your server to have 2 peers at least during mining.
Note that It is not 1 step-size incremental in block height, but lump incremental currently, because there is few transactions to build a block.
Your server need to get the right peers to mine successfully, and it depends on just your luck.
Wrong peers lead to uncle-chain.
If you want more stuff, study mechanism of Proof-of-Work.
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Thanks again sword!
My mind was in a hurry as I was concerned about the synchronization of the blocks for 2 weeks.
I will leave my server alone.