Why can't I validate blocks?

Hi there!

I have a quick question about block validation.
(I’ve launched nodes before on other projects, but never as a validator).
My validator (5C55HiodWeeiSwE9k6N6BWFPbrtvcc7RFNDTBPscpqdsukta) has been installed since testnet opened and validated blocks at first but as the number of validators increased I validated fewer and fewer until I didn’t validate any at all.

I upgraded the server to 8 cores and 30GB ram.
I relaunched docker and as I saw that my validator was no longer active, I ran this command again:
“docker exec -it creditcoin-validator creditcoin-cli validate --commission 5”

For an era I was inactive, but I’ve been active again since era 25.
However, I still haven’t validated a block…I see that there are only two of us out of the 50 active validators who haven’t validated a block…

Could you please explain to me if I’ve done something wrong?


tell me ur problem, maybe i can help you


maybe the problem is not your spec but your command

here full tutorial to be validator creditcoin : Validator Guides - Creditcoin PoS Testnet Documentation


Thanks sir for you info