Sawtooth-validator-default error

Docker Compose is now in the Docker CLI, try docker compose up

Removing sawtooth-validator-default
creditcoin-gateway is up-to-date
Recreating 847325845ce2_sawtooth-validator-default …
Recreating 847325845ce2_sawtooth-validator-default … error

ERROR: for 847325845ce2_sawtooth-validator-default Cannot start service validator: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint sawtooth-validator-default (5cbd0b1e3fe3d76ae00d856e20994aac1ece962d2961ba974d04c05adbdb5747): Bind for failed: port is already allocated

ERROR: for validator Cannot start service validator: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint sawtooth-validator-default (5cbd0b1e3fe3d76ae00d856e20994aac1ece962d2961ba974d04c05adbdb5747): Bind for failed: port is already allocated
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

It looks like you changed something in your docker-compose.yaml file. Can you post the contents of your file here? Nothing uses port 4444 by default.

Alternatively, try getting the latest version from CreditcoinDockerCompose-Mainnet/docker-compose.yaml at dev · gluwa/CreditcoinDockerCompose-Mainnet · GitHub and use that.

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또 다른 질문을 하나 드립니다. 스냅샷 파일을 토렌토는 안받아져서 here부분 클릭해서 용량이 23기가인가 되던데 압축풀때 tar xzvf /creditcoin-block-volume.tar.gz --directory /host/var/lib/docker/volumes/server_validator-block-volume/ 이 명령어 사용시 ./





여기까진 받아졌는데 나머지 파일에서 오래걸리면서 한참있다가 하드에 용량이 있는데 용량이 없다면서 다 안되고 no space left on device 이러한 문제가 발생합니다 혹시 파일을 잘못받은걸까요???

Run sudo df -h

It sounds like your node is out of disk space

Also, there’s a new snapshot available that’s much more recent:

혹시 이거 어떻게 해결하셨나요? 저는 용량도 많은데 그렇게 뜨네요…how to solve this problem.? my drive is so big… but i also too…

포멧하고 다시해도 저러고 용량이 많이 필요한거같아 하드도 바꿔도 안되서 그냥 포기했어요 ㅠ

You need 1TB disk space at least currently. The actual used space of the snapshot is lesser than 1TB but it will get larger during mining.
About 3.3TB is maximum usage when all blocks are mined on the mainnet, maybe I think. So, I encourage you to use a 4TB hard disk drive.