Creditcoin-processor | 503

I’m writing this to get some help with 503 error

I put this command docker-compose -f Server/docker-compose.yaml up,
and this was the following, which was full of creditcoin-processor | 503…

Docker Compose is now in the Docker CLI, try docker compose up

creditcoin-gateway is up-to-date
Starting sawtooth-validator-default … done
sawtooth-settings-tp-default is up-to-date
sawtooth-rest-api-default is up-to-date
creditcoin-processor is up-to-date
Attaching to creditcoin-gateway, sawtooth-validator-default, sawtooth-settings-tp-default, sawtooth-rest-api-default, creditcoin-processor
sawtooth-rest-api-default | [2021-04-09 07:18:22.553 WARNING route_handlers] Validator disconnected while waiting for response
creditcoin-processor | 503
creditcoin-processor | 503
creditcoin-processor | 503

Afterward, it constantly goes like this…

sawtooth-validator-default | [2021-04-09 07:30:04.834 DEBUG permission_verifier] Chain head is not set yet. Permit all.
sawtooth-validator-default | [2021-04-09 07:30:04.834 DEBUG permission_verifier] Chain head is not set yet. Permit all.
sawtooth-validator-default | [2021-04-09 07:30:04.835 DEBUG permission_verifier] Chain head is not set yet. Permit all.
sawtooth-validator-default | [2021-04-09 07:30:04.835 DEBUG permission_verifier] Chain head is not set yet. Permit all.
sawtooth-validator-default | [2021-04-09 07:30:04.860 DEBUG permission_verifier] Chain head is not set yet. Permit all.
sawtooth-validator-default | [2021-04-09 07:30:04.860 DEBUG permission_verifier] Chain head is not set yet. Permit all.
sawtooth-validator-default | [2021-04-09 07:30:04.835 DEBUG signature_verifier] Drop already validated block: 2744779f8a22cfddd2ac7274233512ee782aa5d95f60b141b1a8e376362878d95a6f4fbbb543aceb5787e94d1f97f7ed9eded6d30ed15863abddb7678ad49f52
sawtooth-validator-default | [2021-04-09 07:30:04.835 DEBUG signature_verifier] Drop already validated block: 2744779f8a22cfddd2ac7274233512ee782aa5d95f60b141b1a8e376362878d95a6f4fbbb543aceb5787e94d1f97f7ed9eded6d30ed15863abddb7678ad49f52
sawtooth-validator-default | [2021-04-09 07:30:04.838 DEBUG permission_verifier] Chain head is not set yet. Permit all.
sawtooth-validator-default | [2021-04-09 07:30:04.838 DEBUG permission_verifier] Chain head is not set yet. Permit all.
sawtooth-validator-default | [2021-04-09 07:30:04.843 DEBUG permission_verifier] Chain head is not set yet. Permit all.
sawtooth-validator-default | [2021-04-09 07:30:04.843 DEBUG permission_verifier] Chain head is not set yet. Permit all.
sawtooth-validator-default | [2021-04-09 07:30:04.848 DEBUG responder] Received repeat GossipBlockRequest from 038b2ce9968998d6f5dd3c98ea95c200f5c462b792866814887e02a5a103b2a43186d5b98bdf1731b36b5676d0b195be8af62172a2c4fdd40f7d5746be522daa
sawtooth-validator-default | [2021-04-09 07:30:04.848 DEBUG responder] Received repeat GossipBlockRequest from 038b2ce9968998d6f5dd3c98ea95c200f5c462b792866814887e02a5a103b2a43186d5b98bdf1731b36b5676d0b195be8af62172a2c4fdd40f7d5746be522daa

I already applied -vv to docker-compose.yaml,

…now I don’t have a clue…
how can I solve this?

Thank you.


Oh, it happened

Starting sawtooth-validator-default … done
Starting creditcoin-gateway … done
Starting sawtooth-rest-api-default … done
Starting sawtooth-settings-tp-default … done
Starting creditcoin-processor … done

This appeared, and I think tthe blockchain has started downloading…! ?


…but, Creditcoin-processor | 503 appeared again…


Hi, eree.
You need to import any snapshots.
Please search with the keyword ‘503’ in this website.


Thanks for your kind reply,
I was able to correct the error. Thanks again!

1 Like

thats cool

the creditcoin will be bullish fo all

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congrats for correcting your command bro!

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Very good information, awesome