this method… occur error…
—error message–
The Compose file ‘./Server/docker-compose.yaml’ is invalid because:
services.validator.extra_hosts contains an invalid type, it should be an object, or an array
Use Docker 20.10 or higher
If you can’t, find a way to replace the “extra_hosts” option in the “docker-compose.yaml” file.
Try the following.
- Remove “extra_hosts” option from “docker-compose.yaml” file
- Manually set the IP address to replace the “host.docker.internal” value in the “” file. (
Thanks for sharing. I’ve passed this on to the dev team to take a look at.
It’s very impressive.
Thanks for sharing your own solution.
Do you mind if I ask
- CPU and Motherboard Spec?
- Daily mining rate?
I tried it on Ubuntu 20.04.
There were two problems.
- The double quotation marks seem to be missing.
extra_hosts:- “host.docker.internal:host-gateway”
You need to modify it as above for it to work properly.
- On Ubuntu 20.04
/usr/bin/g+±7 -O2 -Wall ./*.cpp -o ./hashServer -lboost_system -lpthread -lcryptopp
The above command doesn’t work.
Just replace g+±7 with g+±9.
But it doesn’t use multicore.
How can I get it to work properly on Ubuntu 20.04?
Fixed “extra_hosts” issue.
Try running it with the “” script.
And check if the “hashServer” process is running. -
When you need to stop mining, use the “-s” option in the “” script.
The “environment variable” below is required.
export CREDITCOIN_HOME=/root/Server
Check the script.
Check the changed history
export CREDITCOIN_HOME=~/CreditcoinDockerCompose-Mainnet/Server
First, I set the HOME folder as above.
When I run the above command
CREDITCOIN_HOME is /root/CreditcoinDockerCompose-Mainnet/Server
No processing specification found for this machine. Ensure script is scheduled in crontab.
The above came out.
And How do I run the hashServer process?
How can I run the server?
Check the script.
Check the script.
If the environment is complex, write a script that runs only hashServer and use it.
hashServerPid=$(head -n 1 $CREDITCOIN_HOME/ 2> /dev/null)
kill $hashServerPid 2> /dev/null
rm $CREDITCOIN_HOME/ 2> /dev/null
sudo $DOCKER_COMPOSE -f $docker_compose down 2>/dev/null
sudo docker network prune -f
nohup $CREDITCOIN_HOME/hashServer 10000 >> $CREDITCOIN_HOME/hashServer.log &
echo $hashServerPid > $CREDITCOIN_HOME/
renice -n 10 -p $hashServerPid
sudo $DOCKER_COMPOSE -f $docker_compose up -d
hashServerPid=$(head -n 1 ~/CreditcoinDockerCompose-Mainnet/Server/ 2> /dev/null)
kill $hashServerPid 2> /dev/null
rm ~/CreditcoinDockerCompose-Mainnet/Server/ 2> /dev/null
sudo docker-compose -f ~/CreditcoinDockerCompose-Mainnet/Server/docker-compose.yaml down 2>/dev/null
sudo docker network prune -f
nohup ~/CreditcoinDockerCompose-Mainnet/Server/hashServer 10000 >> ~/CreditcoinDockerCompose-Mainnet/Server/hashServer.log &
echo $hashServerPid > ~/CreditcoinDockerCompose-Mainnet/Server/
renice -n 10 -p $hashServerPid
sudo docker-compose -f ~/CreditcoinDockerCompose-Mainnet/Server/docker-compose.yaml up -d
It works great.
- 10 ~ 15 blocks per day.
- AMD Ryzen™ 9 3900X
CPU Usage is great. But
2021-08-12 00:37:19 Open file descriptors: 163
Number of open Validator peers is 0. Restart Creditcoin node? (y/n)
There are no open Validator peers.
I’ve been watching for the past hour but no connection with peers.
How can I solve this problem?
The peer problem seems to be a different problem from my environment.
Could it be a problem with the basic settings?
Did you check if port 8800 is open?
~# ./
1. 서버 및 클라이언트 실행
2. docker container 상태 확인
3. 내 서버원장의 블록높이 확인
4. 블록높이 감시 (1시간 동일 시 재기동)
5. 내가 캔 블록확인 (종료시 Ctrl+C)
6. validator 디버그 메시지 확인 (종료시 Ctrl+C)
7. peer 확인 (종료시 Ctrl+C)
8. 서버 및 클라이언트 종료
0. 스크립트 종료
원하는 기능의 번호를 선택 후 엔터를 입력하세요 : 3
현재 서버 원장의 블록높이는 아래와 같습니다...
1. 서버 및 클라이언트 실행
2. docker container 상태 확인
3. 내 서버원장의 블록높이 확인
4. 블록높이 감시 (1시간 동일 시 재기동)
5. 내가 캔 블록확인 (종료시 Ctrl+C)
6. validator 디버그 메시지 확인 (종료시 Ctrl+C)
7. peer 확인 (종료시 Ctrl+C)
8. 서버 및 클라이언트 종료
0. 스크립트 종료
원하는 기능의 번호를 선택 후 엔터를 입력하세요 : 7
2021-08-12 01:05:36 Peer is open
2021-08-12 01:05:36 Peer is open
2021-08-12 01:05:36 Peer is open
2021-08-12 01:05:36 Peer is open
2021-08-12 01:05:36 Peer is open
Connection is fine without multicore script.
Could please tell me how to install this script?
I think it is different from the official installation method.
This is a script written by Gluwa.
There was no official manual.
This is a useful script, but
No problem even if you don’t use it.
Thx. I’ll try it. That could be fine.
Great. It works. thx.
Can I change the number of threads? Currently, all threads except one are used in all threads. As a result, the CPU overload is high. What if I want to use only 12 out of 24 threads?
It’s hard time to solo miners :(.