swatooth.TransactionProcessor null

안녕하세요, 채굴 메뉴얼대로 설정을 해봤는데, 아래와 같은 로그가 표시되며 더이상 진행되지 않습니다.
“sawtooth.MessageDispatcher null - ReceiveMessage MessageType: 2” 이 에러 메시지로 검색을 해봤으나 뚜렷한 답이 보이지 않습니다.

혹시 어떤 부분이 문제일지 도움을 받을 수 있을까요?

Hello, I followed the mining manual, but I got stuck with the logs below.
“sawtooth.MessageDispatcher null-ReceiveMessage MessageType: 2” I googled this error message, but I didn’t find a clear answer.

Can I get help on what might be the problem?

sawtooth-validator-default | [2021-03-10 07:40:49.194 WARNING cli] Network key pair is not configured, Network communications between validators will not be authenticated or encrypted.

sawtooth-validator-default | [2021-03-10 07:40:49.194 WARNING cli] Network key pair is not configured, Network communications between validators will not be authenticated or encrypted.

creditcoin-processor | Connecting to tcp://validator:4004

creditcoin-processor | Using gateway URL: tcp://gateway:55554

creditcoin-processor | Using rest api URL: http://rest-api:8008

creditcoin-processor | 50 [0x7fe6239307c0] ERROR sawtooth.TransactionProcessor null - signal handler initialized

creditcoin-processor | 52 [0x7fe6239307c0] DEBUG sawtooth.TransactionProcessor null - TransactionProcessor::RegisterHandler

creditcoin-processor | Running

creditcoin-processor | 54 [0x7fe6239307c0] DEBUG sawtooth.TransactionProcessor null - Connect to inproc://request_queue

creditcoin-processor | 56 [0x7fe6239307c0] INFO sawtooth.TransactionProcessor null - Connect to: tcp://validator:4004

creditcoin-processor | 57 [0x7fe6239307c0] INFO sawtooth.MessageDispatcher null - Connecting to tcp://validator:4004

creditcoin-processor | 59 [0x7fe61de57700] INFO sawtooth.MessageDispatcher null - Server connection state changed to: CONNECTED

creditcoin-processor | 60 [0x7fe6239307c0] INFO sawtooth.TransactionProcessor null - TransactionProcessor::Run : Server connected

creditcoin-processor | 61 [0x7fe6239307c0] DEBUG sawtooth.TransactionProcessor null - TransactionProcessor::Register: CREDITCOIN

creditcoin-processor | 62 [0x7fe6239307c0] DEBUG sawtooth.TransactionProcessor null - Register Handler: CREDITCOIN Version: 1.0

creditcoin-processor | 73 [0x7fe61de57700] DEBUG sawtooth.MessageDispatcher null - ReceiveMessage MessageType: 2

creditcoin-processor | 74 [0x7fe6239307c0] DEBUG sawtooth.TransactionProcessor null - Register Handler: CREDITCOIN Version: 1.1

creditcoin-processor | 78 [0x7fe61de57700] DEBUG sawtooth.MessageDispatcher null - ReceiveMessage MessageType: 2

creditcoin-processor | 79 [0x7fe6239307c0] DEBUG sawtooth.TransactionProcessor null - Register Handler: CREDITCOIN Version: 1.2

creditcoin-processor | 83 [0x7fe61de57700] DEBUG sawtooth.MessageDispatcher null - ReceiveMessage MessageType: 2

creditcoin-processor | 84 [0x7fe6239307c0] DEBUG sawtooth.TransactionProcessor null - Register Handler: CREDITCOIN Version: 1.3

creditcoin-processor | 90 [0x7fe61de57700] DEBUG sawtooth.MessageDispatcher null - ReceiveMessage MessageType: 2

creditcoin-processor | 91 [0x7fe6239307c0] DEBUG sawtooth.TransactionProcessor null - Register Handler: CREDITCOIN Version: 1.4

creditcoin-processor | 96 [0x7fe61de57700] DEBUG sawtooth.MessageDispatcher null - ReceiveMessage MessageType: 2

creditcoin-processor | 97 [0x7fe6239307c0] DEBUG sawtooth.TransactionProcessor null - Register Handler: CREDITCOIN Version: 1.5

creditcoin-processor | 109 [0x7fe61de57700] DEBUG sawtooth.MessageDispatcher null - ReceiveMessage MessageType: 2

creditcoin-processor | 110 [0x7fe6239307c0] DEBUG sawtooth.TransactionProcessor null - Register Handler: CREDITCOIN Version: 1.6

creditcoin-processor | 115 [0x7fe61de57700] DEBUG sawtooth.MessageDispatcher null - ReceiveMessage MessageType: 2

creditcoin-processor exited with code 137

creditcoin-gateway exited with code 137

sawtooth-rest-api-default exited with code 137

sawtooth-settings-tp-default exited with code 137

sawtooth-validator-default exited with code 137

아래쪽 종료되었다는 메시지도 같이 출력되면서 종료되나요?
디버깅용 로그를 출력 해 보시면 좋은데,

Server/docker-compose.yaml 에서
27번째 줄에서
settings-tp -C tcp://validator:4004 코드 부분을
settings-tp -vv -C tcp://validator:4004로,

60번째 줄에서
sawtooth-validator \ 코드 부분을
sawtooth-validator -vv \로,

각각 -vv 옵션을 주시면 디버깅용 로그가 콘솔에 출력됩니다.
이 경우에 메시지가 대량으로 쏟아질 수 있으니 초반 로그를 잘 확인 해 주시면 될 듯 합니다.

그러면 대략 어떤 부분에서 문제가 있거나 진행이 되지 않는지 파악하시는데 도움이 될 듯 합니다.

빠른 피드백 감사드립니다!
조언해주신 대로 -vv 옵션을 적용해보니 아래와 같은 로그가 표출됩니다.

업로드 제한이 있고, 바쁘실 테니 모든 로그를 보여드리긴 어려울 것 같고요,
아래의 로그가 의심스러운데요, 혹시 한번 더 조언해주실 수 있으실까요?

Thanks for the quick feedback!
As advised, I applied -vv option and had the logs below.

There are upload restrictions and you will be busy, so it will be difficult to show all the logs.
The log below is suspicious, can you give me another advice?
Thank you.

Could you please give me some more advice?
Thank you.

creditcoin-processor | Connecting to tcp://validator:4004
creditcoin-processor | Using gateway URL: tcp://gateway:55554
creditcoin-processor | Using rest api URL: http://rest-api:8008
creditcoin-processor | 29 [0x7fc8e27b57c0] ERROR sawtooth.TransactionProcessor null - signal handler initialized
creditcoin-processor | 31 [0x7fc8e27b57c0] DEBUG sawtooth.TransactionProcessor null - TransactionProcessor::RegisterHandler
creditcoin-processor | Running
creditcoin-processor | 32 [0x7fc8e27b57c0] DEBUG sawtooth.TransactionProcessor null - Connect to inproc://request_queue
creditcoin-processor | 33 [0x7fc8e27b57c0] INFO sawtooth.TransactionProcessor null - Connect to: tcp://validator:4004
creditcoin-processor | 33 [0x7fc8e27b57c0] INFO sawtooth.MessageDispatcher null - Connecting to tcp://validator:4004
creditcoin-processor | 35 [0x7fc8dccdc700] INFO sawtooth.MessageDispatcher null - Server connection state changed to: CONNECTED
creditcoin-processor | 36 [0x7fc8e27b57c0] INFO sawtooth.TransactionProcessor null - TransactionProcessor::Run : Server connected
creditcoin-processor | 36 [0x7fc8e27b57c0] DEBUG sawtooth.TransactionProcessor null - TransactionProcessor::Register: CREDITCOIN
creditcoin-processor | 36 [0x7fc8e27b57c0] DEBUG sawtooth.TransactionProcessor null - Register Handler: CREDITCOIN Version: 1.0

엇 혹시 그 다음 로그들은 어떤 로그들이 있었나요? 올려주신 로그들은 처음에 올려주신 로그랑 큰 차이가 없는 것 같아보이고, 아래쪽에 어떤 로그들이 더 나오는지가 필요할 것 같네요.

저도 처음 프로세스 시작할 때는 올려주신 로그랑 비슷한 로그들이 뜨고 나서 진행이 되더라구요.

만약 에러가 나는 상황이라면 보통 피어가 잘 연결이 안되는 걸로 나올텐데, 그렇다면 그것에 대한 에러들이 출력이 될 것입니다.
웹브라우저에서 localhost:8008/peers 주소를 입력해(혹은 curl 이용해) 피어가 잘 연결 되어 있는지 확인하실 수도 있으니, 이것도 같이 보시면 좋을 것 같습니다.