Mini Updates on Alpha Penguins (Discord)

We recently updated our community role levelling to include a little bit of spiciness and fun + Penguins!

Here’s a little quick added information regarding the Alpha Penguins role.

:one: We’re only making the surprise exclusive to the @Alpha Penguins role holders within this space. :penguin:

:two: To obtain the @Alpha Penguins , all you need to do is level up to Level 15 in our Discord (You’ll be assigned automatically!)
The easiest way to level up is to engage with other members through chatting!

:three: To check how far you’re to level 15, you can check the level here: Arcane

:four: If you’re officially part of the @Alpha Penguins club, please open a :bookmark:・support-tickets or DM Makena | Creditcoin​:penguin: in Discord your profile and ETH address. :slightly_smiling_face:

:star2: :five: . Be a superstar among us! Show your support to everyone in our community Discord by including a ’ | Creditcoin’ beside your name! See my current name as an example :partying_face: