Cpu와 채굴의 상관관계가 어떤점이 있는지 궁금합니다

CPU의 싱글코어 성능이 더 높은 쪽이 채굴에 유리하나요? 아니면 멀티코어인가요?
Is the higher single-core performance of the CPU advantageous for mining? Or on the multicore?

라이젠 3950x 와 3600를 비교하였을 때 3600이 더 많은 채굴을 하고있기에 의아해서 질문합니다 :slight_smile:
I’m curious because 3600 is doing more mining compared to Reizen 3950x

-파파고 번역기 사용하였습니다.
I used a translator.

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Thank you for your answer:)
답변 감사합니다 :slight_smile:

So, theoretically, high-performance CPUs show better performance.
따라서 이론적으로 고성능 CPU는 더 나은 성능을 보여준다.

Okay! thx XD
알겠습니다. 고마워요! XD

Do I need to enter a separate command for CPU allocation?
혹시 CPU 할당을 위해 명령어를 따로 입력해야 하나요?

If so, where should I assign it? on docker container.
그렇다면 어떤 docker container에 할당 해야하나요?

PoW Solver work is distributed across multiple CPU cores. One-half of available CPU cores are allocated to PoW Solvers; the other half remain available for other Validator threads to run on.

If you run an eight-core machine:
8/2 x (slow multi-core) > 1 fast single core

On a quad-core (4) machine:
4/2 x (slow multi-core) > 1 fast single core
or could be:
4/2 x (slow multi-core) < 1 fast single core

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At this time, there’s no command to allocate number of CPUs to Solvers.

docker update --cpuset-cpus=[number] [container name]

Is the command irrelevant?

At startup, the PoW script examines the set of eligible CPUs on which the Validator process is allowed to run. The number of Solver processes spawned is one-half that set size. The script won’t re-examine that affinity set at run-time.

If you dynamically change CPU allocation using Docker commands, the eligible CPU set would only affect scheduling of the other Validator threads and would not affect the number of Solvers.