Can we get updated bootnodes? shows:

–bootnodes “/dns4/” “/dns4/” “/dns4/”

The problem is that it seems like bootnode3 changed but the command wasn’t updated with the new peer ID so you get errors like this:

2023-03-20 18:33:49 The bootnode you want to connect provided a different peer ID than the one you expect: 12D3KooWFrsEZ2aSfiigAxs6ir2kU6en4BewotyCXPhrJ7T1AzjN.

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bootnode2 seems to have changed also:

2023-04-07 19:18:47 :broken_heart: The bootnode you want to connect provided a different peer ID than the one you expect: 12D3KooWSQye3uN3bZQRRC4oZbpiAZXkP2o5UZh6S8pqyh24bF3k.

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@dlebee Might need your eyes here.

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To explain, some nodes have older configurations (not dead pool’s node), since its decentralized we don’t have control on nodes that are improperly configured.
When nodes peer with those specifically bad configured nodes. the nodes give them their peer nodes (with the wrong peer id)
The node logs are just saying that its invalid and it won’t be using the peer coming from the other node that is not configured properly.
It doesn’t cause any issues its just a warning

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The example miner commands should still be updated so the warnings aren’t shown

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There is a little confusion here, the bootnodes are up to date in the mining documentation.

It’s other nodes that haven’t updated their startup command that are propagating the wrong peer to your node causing the warning message.

Due to the nature of decentralization you can’t control what other nodes will propagate to your node.